March 8th 2021 is International Women’s Day, and this year the hashtag is #ChooseToChallenge – help forge a gender equal world.
Reflecting on the world challenge, it often feels like a word I use a lot actually. I tend to face a lot of ‘things’ as challenges. A good example of this would be the angle I take when I want to inform my target audience a piece of informatin, for example, why Facebook groups are so great for building communities. I’d word it as a challenge to inform my audience. Outside of work, I’m often heard spouting the words “and that’s the challenge!” when people may complain about lack of things being done or lack of postivity. So, it feels very fitting for 2021 that challenge is the focus for International Women’s Day.
Over on the IWD website there is a great section of resources which can help you celebrate, and challenge. Are you going to get involved? I’m super excited for the day, and can’t wait to get stuck into social media and celebrate!