International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day

March 8th 2021 is International Women’s Day, and this year the hashtag is #ChooseToChallenge – help forge a gender equal world.

Reflecting on the world challenge, it often feels like a word I use a lot actually. I tend to face a lot of ‘things’ as challenges. A good example of this would be the angle I take when I want to inform my target audience a piece of informatin, for example, why Facebook groups are so great for building communities. I’d word it as a challenge to inform my audience. Outside of work, I’m often heard spouting the words “and that’s the challenge!” when people may complain about lack of things being done or lack of postivity. So, it feels very fitting for 2021 that challenge is the focus for International Women’s Day.

Over on the IWD website there is a great section of resources which can help you celebrate, and challenge. Are you going to get involved? I’m super excited for the day, and can’t wait to get stuck into social media and celebrate!

New Client: The Big House by the Sea

New Client: The Big House by the Sea

There’s nothing more heart warming than a new client coming to you from a recommendation. I was contacted by the Big House by the Sea via Facebook earlier this week, and we had a great chat on Zoom only yesterday. The owners of this simply stunning looking holiday home in Barmouth wanted to hand over their social media platforms for me to manage, as well as looking at other avenues of marketing we can utilise.

I’m really excited to get stuck into their Facebook and Instagram profiles, as well as adding a blog to the website, and launching a newsletter in the new year.

I’d definitely recommend you check out their website in the link above – this stunning property can sleep up to 30, and I’m just going to leave these words here: views, cinema, hot tub.

Facebook Blueprint Certified

Facebook Blueprint Certified

Wow, it’s been a very long time since I sat an exam (I think about 8 years actually!) – so it was very weird to sit an exam for Facebook, but delighted and super excited that I passed!

I sat the exam for the Facebook Blueprint: Digital Marketing Associate, which means I am now officially Facebook Blueprint Certified!

This exam and certificate covers foundational advertising concepts on Facebook, Instagram and Messenger, as well as other aspects like the value of Facebook for business, establishing platform presence, advert fundamentals and reporting. The certificate lasts 24 months, to make sure anyone who does get it keeps on top of the changing trends and rules.

Digital Women – Digital Skills Summit

Digital Women – Digital Skills Summit

At the start of the year, I always have a good think about what I want to achieve during the year. This year, I wanted to get started on hosting workshops with the business – and because of coronavirus we did this, albeit it virtually. They’ve been super popular and something we’re very keen to continue doing!

A much longer term plan would have been to speak at an event, so it certainly wasn’t something I was expecting for June 2020 at all! However, with coronavirus locking us all down, I’ve been doing a lot of networking online and wowee, has it paid off!

I’ve written a blog about the importance of networking before, and especially for those of us who are from more rural areas. I’d never have been able to go to as many events as I have during lockdown, because everything has been virtual – and that includes the hour long networking events here, there and everywhere!

All of this networking led me to becoming a founding member of the new Digital Women membership platform (which if you’re not part of, I highly, highly recommend you look at). This then led to being asked (or told, whichever way you look at it) to speak at the next digital skills summit that Digital Women have been arranging during lockdown!

FANTASTIC! I actually did a few happy dances at the thought! Then it was a case of figuring out what to talk about. With the Gwe Cambrian Web, our bread and butter is websites, but we’ve also moved hugely into social media. Thinking cap on, and knowing there would be a huge range of other amazing speakers, I decided to stick to the websites as a topic.

So, why not sign up to my talk at the Digital Skills Summit on June 30th, – level up your website. It’s a completely FREE event, with 22 speakers from 10am to 4pm, covering such a huge range of digital skills.

Pick my brain

Pick my brain

You may have spotted the webinar blog post earlier in the year – and this has been something really popular for us. We’ve been as a company providing free webinars on a weekly basis in Welsh and English – about websites, social media, platforms in particular… it’s been really enjoyable and I’ve loved the buzz from the webinars, chatting to loads of different people and businesses across Wales and further afield!

So, then I thought why not just offer a free, informal , 45 minute “consultation” about anything digital marketing or websites. So if you’re wanting a natter about your website or social media, digital marketing strategies or just small business in general – get in touch and book today.

I’ve already worked with companies like Home Start Cymru on this – just chatting away on how best to use social media in general. It’s surprising how much you can fit into 45 minutes, and I’m always happy to help where I can!

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